Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Genevieve Taeger: Awakening to your Soul purpose // #34
Genevieve Taeger is a bestselling Author, Channeller, and Soul Purpose Coach. She channels powerful healing and wisdom teachings from the Goddesses and Benevolent Realm. Since Genevieve Taeger was 16, she started receiving visitations, initiations, and divine guidance from Ascended Masters, Angels, Goddesses, and the Benevolent Realm. She kept this a secret until her late 30s when she shared these teachings out of her home.
Genevieve felt a calling to awaken others to the power of their Holy Spirit and assist them with discovering and living their purpose. She kept ignoring this calling until she had a breakdown when she turned 50 and dared to quit her job, sell her house, and take a stand for millions worldwide to heal and awaken the Goddess within.
What you'll learn:
- The first being who initiated Genevieve into her spiritual awakening when she was a teenager.
- What the illusion of protection is through understanding how vibrational frequencies work.
- How to overcome fear and shift into a higher dimension through your mind.
- How to trust the divine intelligence that's guiding and shaping your life.
- How to navigate being in a job when you have a Soulful calling.
- Genevieve's Phoenix initiation at 50.
- Self-care practices to support you while you're in a day job.
- Balancing masculine and feminine energies so you align to your purpose more effortlessly.
- How to intentionally connect with the Benevolent Realm and trust the information and guidance you're receiving.
- Genevieve's advice on navigating the upcoming global uncertainty and system shifts as we enter the Age of Aquarius. (I wasn't expecting her response, but it's definitely medicine.)
- A quick way to tune into your heart (your intuition) and tune out of anxiety, worry, fear, doubt, etc.
- Beautiful ways to have Genevieve's support (along with all of exceptionally wise light beings she channels) on your journey.
Connect with Genevieve:
- Teleport to her Website
- Purchase her bestselling book: Heal & Awaken the Goddess Within
- Hangout with her on Facebook or Instagram
- Genevieve's episode (that I LOVED) on Next Level Soul Podcast
Note: Genevieve's episode ended up being 52:52 long. I thought you'd find this share from Joanne Sacred Scribes as fascinating. :)
Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.
Ashley Mondor:
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Okay, I just have to tell you my guest today. I watched her. I devoured her content on the Next Level Soul podcast, which is one of my most favorite podcasts, and her energy felt so clear and bright to me that I ran, not just sat, I ran to her website and I was like, how can I work with her?
Tell me more about her. Like, tell me about this gifted woman. And so then I had this inspiration to be like, maybe she would want to be on my podcast. And she said, yes. So I am so excited today to bring you Genevieve Taeger, she is a best selling author. She is a channeler and a Soul Purpose Coach. She channels powerful healing and wisdom teachings from the goddesses and the benevolent realm.
So, thank you, seriously, so much for being here. I first wanted to dive in because you had shared with me that when you were 16 you started receiving visitations and initiations and divine guidance from ascended masters, angels, goddesses, and the benevolent realm? Like, when you were in that, and they just started visiting you, who were some of the first beings that you met and did your nervous system freak out?
Genevieve Taeger:
Nice to have you here. Thank you for inviting me. And you make me sound like some famous movie star. Stars, yes. So surprisingly enough, it felt normal. I carry an innocence to me, and I still do, which is actually fairly surprising given that I've had quite a few years here now on earth, you know, but I always had that innocence and the first one that came to me was Mother Mary.
She showed up in my room. And so this was, the great thing about that was that I was actually doing my hair. So it's not like I was in some kind of state or anything like that. But the other thing is, like, so I was either 15 or 16, somewhere around there. I'm just thinking about my hairdo, what it was like.
And it was a time where it was kind of, you know, the Farrah Fawcett look. And so you'd, you'd, you know, curl it. a certain way and have that fluffy wave look kind of thing. So when she came to me, I felt like it was normal. And the interesting thing about it was that I didn't even know anything about Mother Mary because I had never read the Bible.
I remember I did go to Bible study for fun with my girlfriend because she wanted me to go, but I mean, I didn't even know what we were reading. And but she showed up. And then some ones that showed up after that were, Goddess Isis. And who is the other? I'm trying to think. It's Goddess Isis, Mother Mary, another woman.
For some reason she's not showing up. I'll tell you if she comes up. But and then it started with a bunch of different Ascended Masters. But the other ones showed up in my sleep.
Ashley Mondor:
When you met them, did you experience them as visions in your mind's eye? Did you see them with your physical eyes? Did you hear them?
Genevieve Taeger:
Yeah, so when Mother Mary came, I didn't see her. I felt this energy enter my room. And like, I was like a normal kid like everyone else. I was just going to school, playing in the band, going to the gym, you know, competing and you know, physical activities kind of thing, and just living normal life.
I mean, my parents were meditators. They often talked about that, but they never would talk about this kind of stuff. And so what was the question you asked? Because it's leaning to that.
Ashley Mondor:
Yeah. Could you experience them as internal visions or voices?
Genevieve Taeger:
So she showed up just as a presence, and in that presence, I felt this energy, and in my mind's eye, I, I saw like a, it's not like a vivid image, it's a, it was an image of this woman with that, You know, the headdress on, the cloak.
Oh yeah, like the veil. Yeah, and like over the head, you know. Yeah. The face is showing, but the over the head kind of thing. What do you call that? The, like the nun's wear. Yeah, I can't,
What's the word?
Yeah. I think a cloak, or, I don't know. But anyway, this headdress. And, and I knew that it was her. So basically I tapped into the knowing in the energy.
So the intelligence in the energy, the feeling sensation, and a slight kind of like if you, if you, if it was dark out, okay. And someone walks by you in the dark. And you see with your peripheral vision that person walking by you, that's what it's like.
Ashley Mondor:
I love that. And you just knew. What did her presence feel like to you?
Genevieve Taeger:
It was very loving and she was doing some kind of initiation. So I immediately got down on my knees, like I felt like I was supposed to. It just felt natural. It was like kind of like that feeling like If some sacred person would show up in your life, it's that feeling like you just want to get down on your knees in gratitude, even though I didn't even know her, but I was in gratitude.
Ashley Mondor:
Like reverence and respect and love. Totally. Yeah. I was reading about how one of the purposes or the missions that you're bringing through is connecting people to, you know, the sacred feminine and the goddess within and how we all have that.
Do you feel like you had a soul contract with these incredible, feminine energies in order to bring that through. And then it just, we'll talk about it later, but then it took you around 50 to decide to quit your job, which is, I'm so pumped to talk to you about. But do you feel like these beings come to you because you have a soul contract?
Genevieve Taeger:
I love that you're bringing it up. And it's kind of strange that you're bringing that up, to be honest with you. So I'm getting these strong, strong messages over the past few weeks. Exactly about that, what you're talking about. And I was, I literally picked up the Medical Medium book and he's sharing his story that he was basically chosen at four and he just started getting all this information.
And I knew that that was a strong message for me. And I do feel like, yeah, I was, It's, it's my path, obviously, I knew that before I came here, but when you're here, you don't, you don't really quite realize it. What I do feel like is I've been prepared for many years for this, this time. And I believe that it happened at this time because people weren't ready yet back then.
And I think I needed to learn some hard lessons first.
Ashley Mondor:
The human experience, right? Like, the embodied wisdom that you get to bring forth. On your journey, especially like 16 is young, right? But throughout this process of you becoming more and more and more aligned with your authenticity and what you're bringing through to the planet and humans, we're so lucky.
Have you encountered any lower vibrational beings or any darker beings or has it all been pure light beings because of your intention?
Genevieve Taeger:
Yeah. Great question. So the way that I'm being told is that everything works on vibration. And if you could imagine right now in the physical world, we're in a three dimensional world.
So with our physical eyes, it's very rare that we can actually see a etheric being with our physical eyes. And it's only because we're on another dimension than that being. Now, if we shift our consciousness to the etheric world to to be able to tap into the all knowing the spiritual part of ourselves then what we're doing was we're shifting our vibration and we're entering other dimensions and so this is why we can also see auras and energetic beings with our eyes open if we're in that state so the thing here is to understand that lower vibrational beings, let's just say lost souls, that are no longer living in a human form.
They're vibrating at a certain frequency range, and they cannot see us if our vibration is a higher frequency. And the way to have a higher frequency is to align with divine truth. So when you align with the knowing that you are almighty, that you are one in the pool of the divine, that you are pure love, then that is a much higher frequency and you immediately ascend into higher benevolent realms.
However, if you are thinking, life is so tough, I hate myself. Life sucks. Why is life so hard? And so forth. And you're in this continual negative spiral. Then what happens is you're in a frequency range that is visible to those lost souls who are also in that frequency range. So the, the key thing here is there's an illusion of thinking, Oh, you got to protect yourself.
That's not going to do anything. If you're, if you're swimming in the pool, in the mud, let's just say that with other beings who are also like that, get out of the pool and shift your mindset. So that's the key thing. If you can shift your mindset. Then, boom you're up in another dimension.
Ashley Mondor:
Mmm. So good!
I was thinking how when you were talking about the thought process, right? So you're like, oh, my life sucks, or maybe I hate my job, or nothing ever goes well for me. You then match the frequency. How, if you have any guidance, can you actually catch those thoughts? Because I feel like it's really seductive.
To listen to and then believe and then go down the spiral. Do you have any guidance that can help people shift faster or become more aware?
Genevieve Taeger:
So the reason why, like if you're seeing the way I'm responding, I'm kind of like looking at, I'm basically half here and half there. I'm listening to the guidance that comes through me.
It's not, not, you're not using my brain. So and sometimes when I keep asking you a question again, it's because I'm half here, half there. Right. So can you please repeat that question?
Ashley Mondor:
So say people are on the spiral down, and their thought process is taking them, how can they shift or become aware to go higher?
Genevieve Taeger:
Okay. So, the, the key thing is to be awake. Wake up. Wake up to your thoughts. And it's painful to do. It's very, very painful to do because when you become awake of your thoughts, you get shocked at what's going on in your brain. And so when you can be awake, now you can decide to change your thoughts. And to change your thoughts is to have the courage to realize that you are not separate from the divine.
And the reason why I say have the courage is because people are afraid of that. That's ultimately what's happening is they're afraid that they're one with this divine power, because if they knew that they were, they have to make different choices in their life. And those choices will be very scary.
Because if your spirit tells you, hey, you're supposed to be on stage in front of 10,000 people, if you're not ready for that, you're gonna pretend that you don't know that the divine is flowing through you, and then you create these thoughts like, life is so hard, I can't do it, it's impossible. Oh, like, sure, as if I could stand in front of 10,000 people and so forth.
That is a safe space. But the interesting thing is it's actually not safe, it's dangerous. The safe space is when you're in front of 10,000 people on stage.
Ashley Mondor:
Do you think that it's the safe space because it is divine light and protection around you because you are aligned with your soul if that's where you're being called?
Genevieve Taeger:
So definitely not protection because protection gives you the illusion that you are unsafe in the presence of the divine. The key thing here is to realize that when the divine is flowing through you, and you are one with this guidance that all you do is receive the guidance and you act upon it.
So in a way you become the servant of the divine or your body becomes a tool for your spirit to do its thing. We didn't come here to be asleep and to just live this life and feel like it's a bloody torture to be here. We came here because we do have a choice to live. There's a word, live. There's something that's coming through me from, from Jesus, I think.
But basically living abundantly. We have that choice.
Ashley Mondor:
When you are newer to this and even still now, it's really easy to listen to the fear because the fear sounds like you, right? So say you were invited and that was the next step is to be on the stage or to write the book or to start the podcast or to start the business. Would you have any guidance on helping people shift the fear even though it feels real in their body and it sounds real and like true to them?
Genevieve Taeger:
Ask them, how much benefit is it giving them? If they, if they could see themselves a year from now or five years from now and they took those steps, what would their life look like? If they decided not to, and they keep living the way they're living, what would their life look like? Which one is more appealing and to understand too, that let's just say, if you want to develop a business, you learn from an expert who has successfully developed a business.
You don't have to go it alone, right? Like, I mean, I had to learn all about marketing and everything. I mean, I had to learn everything. I'm, I do my own accounting. Like, I mean, I do everything and you have to, when you first start out, but you learn from the experts, the people who know. And, and when you, when you do that, then life becomes a success.
Ashley Mondor:
That was gorgeous. Thank you. I love that, especially because we are shifting into the Age of Aquarius, right? Which is like, together we thrive. And for you to be able to see someone who has walked the journey and they didn't die doing it, right? And they weren't outcasted and shunned and all of our core subconscious fears, right?
So finding someone who you resonate with, if you were to start this journey over again, and you, and you knew, oh, finding a mentor who resonates is key. Would you have any guidance on what that would feel like or look like? How can someone find someone they resonate with?
Genevieve Taeger:
So the key thing here is, is tricky, is to understand that you don't find them, they find you.
Now that part can feel really weird. But the, the key thing here is to align with a knowing that the divine is intelligent. And since it's intelligent, it knows how to give you the particular person that will lead you to that particular result that you feel like you're supposed to do. But the key thing here is, is aligning with the knowing of what that result is first.
Because the result shouldn't be ego based, it should be heart based and desire based. Desire, when I say desire, I mean the spirit. Your spirit has a desire for you here, and if you follow that desire, if you feel like, I just know I'm supposed to do this, I don't know how, but then you say, but I know that the divine knows how, because it is intelligent.
We know that in quantum mechanics, that there's intelligence in this field. And so, and when the observer looks at like a photon, it changes. So the thing is, what we need to do is focus on the knowing that the divine will provide the guidance to get to this end result, because it's almighty, it knows. And so then you say, I know that no matter what, it's going to happen because I know I'm supposed to do this because my spirit is showing me that I'm supposed to do it.
So I'm just going to be shown that this is what's happening.
Ashley Mondor:
So like you said, being awake. And really being receptive to what's coming into your field and trusting and knowing that what's on your heart is yours for a reason.
Okay. Thank you. I want to talk to you about, so I'm in a corporate role. For two years, I was full time in my business and then the economy and things, and I was walked back into corporate. So I wanted to ask you, because I was reading about how you kept ignoring your calling to help awaken others until you had a breakdown when you turned 50 and decided to quit your job and you sold your house and like you took a stand for your mission, right? And now you're doing this. How did you make that leap? How did you have that breakdown? Like talk about a Phoenix moment.
Genevieve Taeger:
It was interesting because it was almost pre planned, pre staged without me realizing it.
It was about a year prior that I had said, if by the time I reached 50 and nothing is changing in that company. I'm gone because I had been there 21 years. I'm gone. And, and I, I knew that I had deserved way more financial reward than I was getting. I just knew that. And so I said that, and I also kept thinking that one day when I can save enough money, then I can build my business and do my thing and, you know, and then finally quit my job and all this kind of stuff.
So I've been, was saying that since I was 30, literally. And now it's 20 years later. And also you start to think. Well, what if you don't have much longer to live? I mean, my dad suddenly died for no reason at all with a smile on his face at age 70, you know, just two days before turning 70. So you don't know, you don't know how long you live.
Like, I'm now 55. What if I died at 70 and I waited till 65? That's insane.
Ashley Mondor:
Does your dad visit you?
Genevieve Taeger:
Yeah, I do feel his presence. He's been around quite a bit over the years.
Ashley Mondor:
That is so beautiful, oh my gosh. So a spirit was like, all right, let's go, your spirit included. Oh, I wanted to ask you, for those of us in corporate. The thing that I specifically grapple with is I know I'm in this system for a reason right now, and I know I'm meant for more, but I only have so much time and energy after work, right?
Eight hours of screen and then you have like maybe five hours to live your life. Would you have any guidance or advice for those of us who are exhausted but feel the soulful calling?
Genevieve Taeger:
Yeah, I can understand that. I. I do empathize with that. I do, because I know what that's like myself. First thing is to do self care, because if you're feeling exhausted, then you won't have energy to put into something else.
So the first thing is self care. The second thing is, when you're working in the corporate world, to shift your focus towards love, and service, and gratitude that you are there. Because when you can do that, then you won't be so exhausted. When the mind is continually thinking, Oh, I just want to be out of here.
Life is so hard. Why are they pushing me so hard? How come I have to do all these things and I never get increases and they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and have to show up this time. And then if I leave a minute early, like they watch me and, you know, And, and so the mind is thinking all these things, these garbage thoughts, and those garbage thoughts are draining.
And instead, if you can do a hop, skip, and a jump to work and be excited that you get to be there, excited that you are getting money so that you can pay your bills, and excited that you, you're doing what you can do during the day. And instead of thinking, carrying the burden of thinking that you need to do everything and more, take that responsibility off yourself, because it's not your fault if a corporation tells you you need to do more than you can.
It's not your fault. It's their fault for not providing enough resources. And so you stand your ground. With what you can do and you do those things and you do them with great joy. And then if they decide that you're not doing enough, you just smile and you let them fire you. And then you can get another job somewhere else.
It's not a problem. You've got background, you've got knowledge, you know that you're good at what you do. And so what happens then is you have energy because you're grateful for being there. You are loving towards the people. If your purpose is to inspire people, let's just say you've got this desire in your business that you want to inspire people.
Do that in the career that you're in. Inspire people and be that, that vessel that you're meant to be. So that every day is a grateful day. And then when you come home on a weekend, you'll have more energy on the weekend to work towards building this business. And maybe at some point you can work part time somewhere and build a business.
Ashley Mondor:
Oh, chef's kiss. That was so good. Thank you. When you were talking, I'm like, oh yeah, because you're expanding in higher level frequency emotions and thought processes instead of being depleted down to this, like, like you said, the garbage. Like that, what do you reach at the garbage? The bottom of the pail, right?
You can only go so far versus expanding into love and gratitude. And that, especially when you're like, oh yeah, you could just smile and get fired. And I can hear people being like, Do you know how hard the market is, Genevieve? It's like, Oh, cause you're listening to the stories, right? The mental narratives.
Genevieve Taeger:
So, Oh, yeah. And the key thing too is you got to remember that the divine is the one who is intelligent, who will lead you to the next job. And so aligning with this knowing is where the miracles happen. And you, you don't realize this magic tool until you start doing it. And then you're amazed at the people that reach out to you, who suddenly offered to help you with something who recommend, Hey, I know someone in another company, I thought of you.
Do you think you'd be interested in this place? The miracles are, happen frequently. It's shocking, actually.
Ashley Mondor:
In the best ways, because spirit love surprises, right? Oh, that is so beautiful. Okay. So, I know that that's going to be really impactful for people to hear, especially in my world, because a lot of us are entrepreneurial and we're in the corporate system and I feel like a large part of it is to help shift these systems and to be a living example of what it means to be authentic and such.
So when you said the first key is taking care of yourself, what are some of the things that you do for self care?
Genevieve Taeger:
Honestly, it could be even watching Netflix. It's doing whatever you feel that you feel like, oh, I'm in a cozy blanket and I'm just being taken care of. Because everything that I do is, is. I'm always helping others.
It's always a leadership thing. And so if I can do something that it feels like I'm being taken care of, then that's perfect. So it doesn't really matter what it is that you do, as long as you feel taken care of. It could be having a bath. It could be going for a walk in nature. The trick is that when you do it, try not to think about work and try not to think about all the things that you haven't done yet.
Ashley Mondor:
That one's a key one, isn't it? Because when you have the desire and the passion, right, and you're like, especially if maybe you're motivated by, you know, the thought of your life being cut short and you not getting to do all the things, right? That is, that's so key. And trusting, like you said, that the way knows the way, right?
And that intelligence knows and will guide you in the perfect direction, order, and process. And that brings me to how you focus a lot on the inner sacred feminine and the goddess within all of us. And to me, feminine energy it obviously is multifaceted and dynamic. And I feel like working on being a more receptive and open heart, and I'm wondering, you know, because our systems have been heavily based on masculine drive and hustle and force and pressure while suppressing the divine feminine, and do you have any tips for people on bringing more balance to their masculine and their feminine.
Genevieve Taeger:
Yeah, I'm just listening to the information that's coming. Now the idea of surrendering.
So surrendering is not, is not a fear based concept where you're stripping yourself naked and someone's going to now torture you. That's the way most people think surrendering is. That's how their body responds, right? So the idea is, When we have been in so much active mode, I mean, we are great in the masculine energy.
We can do, do, do, do, do. But if we're doing without listening to what we are being called to do, then we're endlessly doing things that are useless. Kind of the visual I'm getting is the cleaning person came and cleaned the house and then you decide you've got nothing to do, so you may as well clean the house.
And there's no sense in this. And this is what I'm being shown is that this is how people are operating. They're endlessly doing things to keep busy, thinking that they're accomplishing something. But the trick is to surrender and feel what it is that you are supposed to do, rather than thinking that you, okay, so if I want to do a business, then I think I must do this and this and this and this to have something and create. A good example is when people learn some energy modality or something like that, or coaching, they want to offer sessions.
That is useless because what you're doing is just doing, doing, doing, doing. The key thing is ask your spirit. What impact are you supposed to make in the world for others? Vessel are you, you know, what, how are you supposed to use your vessel and you wait and hear. So you use the feminine energy to receive.
Receiving, and when you receive, then you can create with your femininity because creation is the feminine. Once you create, then you invoke the masculine to actually do those things. So the trick here is to not think that in order to have success, you must do things a certain way. Guaranteed you will fail and you will drive yourself down to the, you know, what's the saying, but you know, basically you'll, you'll be exhausted and you default into the masculine by doing that.
So that's the key thing here is to be guided by the Holy Spirit, to get in touch again and receive. And then, have the courage to create those things. And that can be scary for people.
Ashley Mondor:
Because you're being invited to expand into your true, authentic being, right? And why you're here. When you were talking, I had this thought.
I heard a quote. I think by Oprah, where she says, ask out loud, "What is the dream that my creation has for me?" And I started seeing, like you talked about being awake, right? I started seeing patterns of people telling me how much they love my voice on random things.
And I was like, oh. And I just wanted to drop that there so it could help people see. Spirit is so funny. Like, they, they will let you know. And, and, those were more subtle messages, right? I had to be, aware enough to pull through patterns. So thank you for that, especially around surrendering. And you have a book actually that's called Heal and Awaken the Goddess Within where you channel 22 teachings, initiations, and activations from the goddesses of the Benevolent Realm to assist you in awakening to your purpose.
Can you tell me what the benevolent realm is? Is that heaven?
Genevieve Taeger:
Heaven is here.
The Benevolent Realm is the beings that are always connected to the divine, the beings who know where the divine is. So their purpose is to always inspire us to move towards the divine and to move us on our path. So they can be ascended masters, they can be beings that were created, who have never lived in a form, such as the goddesses and the gods.
I mean, I wish there are better names for these, but you know, these beings and that's why I kind of use benevolent beings to help clarify things for people, angels, archangels, those, those are all benevolent beings. Even some guides can be benevolent if they are connected, you know, like people have passed on and they know home.
Like my dad, as an example, he's benevolent. I mean, he knows, you know, he knew that before he left.
Ashley Mondor:
So I also side note, it's so on my list to get your book. I'm so excited. I love channel books so much, especially when you can sit with them and you can feel the frequencies. Like I saw someone share about how they picked up your book and it felt like it was vibrating in their hand, which is so magical because it's like, Hey, Resonance, you're welcome, right?
Oh I wanted to ask you You know how you were talking about the thoughts and how when you are tapping into information and intelligence, you're kind of like clear i'm guessing and so you're just receiving how can you decipher between you know receiving guidance from your guides or benevolent beings versus your Because I feel like at least for me, sometimes my ego just like chirps in and I'm like, was, was that guidance or was that myself talking to me?
Genevieve Taeger:
The key thing here is to understand that there's a, there's an area around your head, like if I tell you right now to sit to add three plus three times nine divided by three, okay, so you know where your mind is going, it's in the field inside your brain, where you're trying to calculate, you're not focusing in the field of the divine mind, which is located a foot above your head, 30 centimeters above your head.
That is the field, that's the Soul Star Chakra area. And each chakra, when you go down from the base, to the sacral, the solar, and all of so forth, those are exponentially higher than, you know, than the other one. And so as you go up, you go exponentially higher. When you're in the field of the brain, that field is a limited mind concept.
It's also the field where if you do psychic readings or mediumship readings, and you're focused in that field, you could be focused on souls that are confused, not connected to the benevolence as much and might be giving misinformation. So when you place your attention at the Soul Star Chakra, then the information that you receive is going to come from the Holy Spirit, from God, from your spirit, from benevolent beings, from angels and so forth.
So when ascended masters, when you tap into that field, through your intention. And, and it's important to ground as well. So it's important to also ground, like have your attention a foot below your feet, because you need this energy to ground properly. And also to enter your heart center first. So the goal is first go into your heart, drop down into your heart, and feel, go into the feeling space again, because when you are worried about something and you want an answer to something, you're not in your heart, you're, you're in the lungs, the anxiousness, and in your mind, scatterbrained, it's going nuts.
So you want to drop into your heart, get into that feeling space, and then when you do, then you place your attention to the Soul Star Chakra area, and you put on the listening ears. So in the same way that you're listening to me, you don't know what I'm about to say to you. So you're not in your brain, you're listening.
Waiting so that you can absorb every information that comes. And when you are connected to the divine mind, your antennas are open and you're waiting to receive. And when you're waiting to receive, you pay attention and you've asked a question. First of all, make sure you have a question written down that you want an answer to.
And then you wait to receive. in the form of thoughts may pop up in your head. But remember, you're still keeping your attention on the Soul Star Chakra. So the thoughts that pop up in your head now are divine. It's a much higher frequency. It's the easiest way for them to communicate to us is through thoughts.
And so that's how you can do it. And also pay attention to visuals. You get sensations, you get feelings and so forth, because sometimes they need to communicate to you in various ways for you to be able to decipher the information.
Ashley Mondor:
That is so tangible. Yes.
Genevieve Taeger:
You should, you should try it and tell me how it works.
Ashley Mondor:
Anyone listening also, and I'm going to drop her social links, so please send her a message and let her know how it goes.
Genevieve Taeger:
Oh, thank you. Yeah, I'd love to hear that.
Ashley Mondor:
I'm wondering as you may be aware in the U. S., right? Chaos in the world, chaos wars scarcity, lacked out, impending election. Maybe not election from what astrologers are saying.
What guidance would you have for people who are just terrified of the change that could come with our world and maybe like losing their rights and the fall of the economy and all of these things?
Genevieve Taeger:
So it's going to be a very tough answer, unfortunately. But the key thing here is to let go of the concept that it's bad to die. Okay. I'm going really like, because what's happening is we're afraid of physical torture, obviously. I mean, our, our bodies are designed to react and self defend. I mean, we are designed, we could kill.
We're designed to do that. If there's an animal trying to kill us and we're designed to kill it. And, you know, same as someone else is trying to do that to us, but the key thing.
Ashley Mondor:
It's true.
Genevieve Taeger:
So the key thing here is to first understand that, that to, to realize that your body is temporary and that you are permanent. This lifespan here in this body is so short, and you continue on in so many other bodies, so many other forms, in different planets. It's not, this is just a vehicle, and when you cannot associate it to this, and I know it's not easy to do, and to let go, and to know, that all is well, no matter what.
And I, I know, I mean, I understand no one wants to experience torture. No one wants to experience oppression. I mean, when I went through this whole, the epidemic thing and all that, like I, I had moments, I mean, I'm human. I had moments where I was pretty angry, and then I had to, you know, be awake of my thoughts, basically, and decide to shift them.
So the important thing is to know that the way to change the world is not to fight back, but to enlighten people. And when you can enlighten people and help them to become aware that they are one with the divine, that they are love, that there's a love inside of them, that they have the ability to connect to intelligence, divine intelligence, that they can be led in a good way, that they can create, create a good life.
If people focus on that, rather than fighting the, the people who are, you know, the politicians that they don't agree with, then the world will awaken. And the people will not want to vote for those politicians, as an example. I, there's nothing wrong with, with debating with another politician, but become a politician if you want to.
Do something where you can make a difference. But if you are not chosen or, or not meant to go down that role, then do the role to awaken people. And in that, you take great joy because people are experiencing enlightenment. I mean, just that one thing that I talked to you about, about connecting to the divine mind.
Do you know how many people have written to me and said, what's that tingling on my head that I'm experiencing? So it's a thing is that that what's happening is the chakra is opening wide open and it it doesn't take long before they start to experience their spirit and and really this amazing flow of energy and sometimes angels and so forth.
Ashley Mondor:
To be the living example for people to choose right to be a living light oh so good thank you so just like not choosing fear even though your body is like whoa alarm bells your soul's like it's fine. It's fine.
Question for you. So we are moving into, I believe, that part of the process that humanity is going through is that we are moving up chakras. Like ascending to more love, compassion, generosity, joy, acceptance, peace, harmony. And part of the process is , we gotta purge some density and some rage and fear and things like that.
And stepping into our personal power. And I believe that when you follow your heart, that, that is truly the portal to your soul. And I'm wondering if you would have any advice for people on, you know, actually, how do you tune into your heart space and your chakra there?
Genevieve Taeger:
Love is the easiest way.
It's the easiest way. If you're, if you have Reiki, some form of healing where you can feel the heat coming out of your hand and the love, you can put your hand on your chest and feel the love radiating into the chest. And so that will remind you of the love as well. But if you can't feel, let's just say, if you can't feel.
Then you just go still and take a moment to go into that area, just still put your hand there and eventually you will feel love in some form. You will feel it because we are all made up of love. It's, it's in the energy itself. It's something that can never extinguish from us. It's impossible. There is love in every single being.
And I understand that when people are in the, like suffering from anxiety and depression and trauma and all that, the first thing I say to them is do something that makes you feel better. First, do something because they, they tend to be worried so much about all the things that are not happening and all this kind of stuff.
They don't necessarily they can't necessarily right away shift. So the key thing here is to find things that they can do that make them feel good and to decide which things they should let go of. For instance, if they're doing multiple things, they're a single mom and they're going to work and they're taking their kid to daycare and they're doing all these things and they're making food and they can barely get the food on the table.
I mean, they've got a lot of things. However, what I'm have been shown is consider that you don't have all the solutions. Because the divine is greater than you, and the divine does have answers for you. So consider that you could take one of those things and eliminate them from your life. And I know that we think that we can't.
However, if we have the wherewithal to understand that the divine can find someone who wants to volunteer time for us to help us out, where we don't have to pay, you'd be amazed at how these solutions come, but the trick is to align with that knowing that a solution is there. So the key thing is you need to drop one of the stressors out of your life, but you tap into that heart space to see, you ask your body, what is it most stressed about?
And your body will tell you, and that is the thing that needs to get gone, that problem, and be open to that, the fact that there is a solution for this result.
Ashley Mondor:
So good. Thank you. I was thinking based on our conversation earlier when you're talking about tapping into the heart space and like if you're a single mom and you're barely getting food on the table and you have to do all these things and work and blah, blah, blah.
And it's like, at least for me, and they say, Oh, gratitude, like it almost feels like a just a thing that you say that you know, but like really sitting with, I'm so grateful I can feed my children, you know, I'm so grateful to have a safe home for them or I'm so grateful to have a job that pays me so that I can do this and I know a solution is coming.
Like you said, it's, it's the knowing that there's support there. It's not the thinking about it and making it become a reality. It just will. So thank you for that. I have two more questions for you if you're open.
Genevieve Taeger:
Yes. Absolutely.
Ashley Mondor:
So say someone is feeling into your frequency and they love what you're sharing and they love what you talk about and they're like, Genevieve, how can I work with you?
What are some ways that people can connect in and jam with you and help, you know, awaken to their purpose and expand more into their, their soul.
Genevieve Taeger:
Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. So I'm in the midst of shifting my business because I got shown the next step to take yeah, so that I can impact the millions rather than just the hundreds kind of thing or thousands.
So I'm working towards creating an app and creating a community and then having people come in and they can go through my program. And it's a much lower rate than it was when I had. I worked with 40 people at a time, as an example, because they had much more of me, whereas this is where they're doing self help at the same time, yet they're having a bit of me at the same time.
So that I'm working on, and that's a to stay tuned kind of thing. And the goal is that, well, I mean, I was told that, that I'm to impact millions, and I was told that. To stop saying a million and to impact millions. So this way, that kind of thing can actually handle that many people coming in. The other thing I do is I do do one on one, a channeled empowerment session that's upon request upon application, because it's a, it's a, it's quite an investment, but the key thing is that.
It's to do some goal planning for the coming year and to not rely on, you know, some ascended masters and all that to tell them what their future is. That's not what it's about. The other thing is my book. The book helps people to really. Heal and awaken the goddess within to be able to move forward to heal what is holding them back, clearing ancestral trauma, past life trauma, current life trauma, the cellular memory, moving forward to awakening to your spirit, learning how to communicate with it, and then moving towards taking the action steps and overcoming limiting beliefs.
So that whole process in itself is a journey and it takes about six months to do. Not everyone can afford what I will be offering with the group as an example, even though it'll be a lower cost thing, but they can go through my book. And like you said, people pick up my book and they experience the vibration.
I've heard that quite a few times from people. I was told that that would happen when I was writing the book. And I remember thinking at the time, okay, that's a bit nuts. I don't know. That can't, that can't be true. Right? And I thought, just trust it, Genevieve, Trust it. And sure enough, people are experiencing that.
So that's, and then I teach Reiki as well, because I feel like everyone needs Reiki and I will be teaching channeling and you know, the journey will continue.
Ashley Mondor:
But you can jump in now, baby!!
Oh, okay. Perfect. Like I said, I will drop ways to contact her, connect with her to buy her book, all of those wonderful things.
So my last question for you that I ask everyone is when you are feeling good What is alive in your heart today?
Genevieve Taeger:
You. You're alive in my heart today. Your joy, your vibrancy, your enthusiasm about life, and the connection that I'm having with you.
Ashley Mondor:
You made my whole day! This week is getting better and better.
Genevieve Taeger:
I love your glasses.
Ashley Mondor:
Genevieve, you are magnificent. I'm so happy that I got to connect with you and that you were open to it. And I'm so happy that people get to hear and see and feel your frequency and the work that you bring to the world.
We are shifting in such an incredible way, and you gave people, like, truly tangible, beautiful tools, and you expanded them out to truth. Thank you, Genevieve. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It was an honor and a privilege to have you and I am so grateful.
Genevieve Taeger:
Thank you so much and your questions were amazing.
Absolutely amazing. So yes. Yay!
Ashley Mondor:
Thank you! :)