Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Kyle A Trautmann: Rewiring wellness: Tapping into neuroscience for better health // #29
You're going to want a notebook for this episode because the wisdom Kyle is about to gift you is ... 🤯
We're diving into conscious & subconscious dynamics, quantum physics, eternal time, creating a sanctuary for your nervous system, energy, and so much more.
What you'll learn from our episode:
- Kyle shares about the High Vibe Holonomics foundation of creating a flow state to optimize your nervous system.
- What The Power of 5 sequences are to non-sleep deep rest.
- How the subconscious learns.
- His story & how his healing company manifested.
- Nutrition & how it's tied to the molecular structure of emotions.
- What holonomics is and how it creates harmony within your system.
- Improving your health within Newtonian + Quantum physics.
- How many days it takes for neural pathways to form.
- The two main principles of spontaneous remission.
- Self-regulation, mirror neurons, and healing within the family system.
- Trauma physiology & its impact on the cell danger response.
- What the 7 Types of Trauma are & how they influence your health.
- How to create an environment that allows you to access your gifts & blessings.
- The 2 main principles of rewiring your brain.
- The most important technique to tap into if you want to change your health & life for the better. (This may be confronting.)
- The life-changing question Kyle's mentor asked him when he was 19.
- How your environment impacts your energy signature.
- 2 important things to do when building new habits.
- Why people struggle to master their energy.
- Kyle's morning flow.
- Fostering rest & connection in partnership.
- The significance of the #7 to Kyle.
Connect with Kyle:
- Hang out with him on Instagram & Facebook.
- To book a Clarity Call, head on over to High Vibe Holonomics.
- Learn about the ACE Study Kyle referenced here.
Meet Kyle Anthony Trautmann
Kyle is the CEO and Lead Facilitator at High Vibe Holonomics. His work within the health industry has spanned across a myriad of topics over the last ten years. All of those subjects revolving around regenerative principles with one goal in mind: to maximize vitality through all aspects of energy production. Kyle started his career in 2013 as a nutritionist and slowly built his practice around how regenerative agriculture benefits the mitochondrial matrix. Kyle co-founded High Vibe Healing in 2016 (which transformed into High Vibe Holonomics in 2023) with the emphasis of Nutritional Bioenergetics.
Since 2016, Kyle has added varied dynamics to High Vibe Holonomics in order to address and alleviate the main causes of CDR (cell danger response), which is the conserved metabolic response that shuts off the production of the "energy molecule" ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from the mitochondria. Kyle's focus over the last four years has been studying the mass influx of chronic disease and how the 7 Types of Traumas have a direct impact to the functioning of our mitochondria and how we utilize energy as a whole for health and well-being.
His work as of late has been focused on alleviating these traumas through a process known as Holonomic Energy Harmonization, which focu
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This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.