Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

My heart is racing at the thought of sharing this // #28

• Ashley Mondor • Episode 28
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00:00 | 25:32

It's been months since I shared a podcast episode... Part of it is how little energy I have because I work a full-time job and I hold space for clients in my business.

The other part is how tightly gripped perfectionism holds on to my beliefs which stops me from sharing. How hypercritical I am of what I create in comparison to those who are powerhouses in my industry.

But comparison is so. damn. boring.

And I'm not them - which is a good thing.

Candidly, I also had this episode ready to publish for you for an entire MONTH, but I felt SO MUCH resistance to sharing it. Now I know why. This wasn't easy for me to share because I'm working through fears of backlash and judgement.

In fact, I was so emotionally dysregulated and triggered that I decided to re-record this when I was more grounded.

I have Truths in this episode that need to be heard because I'm not the only one who's navigated family trauma.

I hope my experience empowers you even just a little bit. I love you. I'm proud of you. Thank you for choosing to exist during a dark time on the planet. Your light matters always. 💛

Links + resources:

  • Search for a Trauma Therapist here or send me a message if you're looking to work with a grief therapist.
  • Hang out with me on Instagram.
  • Receive my Ground with Gaia meditation set to the 432 Solfeggio Frequency as my gift. 
  • Ready to go deeper into your heart? Join Devotion, my open-hearted community that gifts you the golden key to unlocking the gateway to your soul.

Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!

This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.

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