Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Your heart holds the keys that unlock the gateway to your spiritual gifts and the path to a life of your deepest desires. While we've been conditioned not to listen to or trust ourselves, your heart is the compass to your soul. My purpose is to serve as your guide while teaching you how to heal, trust, and love yourself unconditionally. Join Ashley Mondor, master coach, heart healer, and host of the Free Your Heart podcast, as we sink into nourishing and fresh conversations focused on healing, opening, and living from your heart. Through our time together, you'll receive insight, inspiration, and channeled information that'll support you in discovering who you are while you calibrate to the energy of your soul. Thank you for being here! I truly hope our heart-to-heart connection supports you in your journey.
Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
How do you show up for you? // Ep. #23
Ashley Mondor
Episode 23
This episode is short and spicy. I almost didn't publish it, but decided that moving forward, I'm the type of person with so much value to share that even a short episode is worthy of being listened to.
What you'll learn from this episode:
- A question to ask yourself when you don't have what you want or you're not where you want to be.
- What does working on yourself mean when you're new to personal development?
- Questions to support you in finding clarity in what your heart desires.
- Questions to ask yourself to cultivate the courage needed to bring those desires to physical reality.
- My belief on the word 'try' (even though it goes against what I've been taught in personal development).
- How I'll be honoring my voice (I hope you do the same in the ways you're specifically called to).
- Two ways to get support when you're stuck in cycles that aren't serving you.
Links + resources:
- Hang out with me on Instagram.
- Receive my Ground with Gaia meditation set to the 432 Solfeggio Frequency as my gift.
- Ready to go deeper into your heart? Join Devotion, my open-hearted community that gifts you the golden key to unlocking the gateway to your soul.
Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.