Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

How do you show up for you? // Ep. #23

April 17, 2023 Ashley Mondor Episode 23

This episode is short and spicy. I almost didn't publish it, but decided that moving forward, I'm the type of person with so much value to share that even a short episode is worthy of being listened to.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  • A question to ask yourself when you don't have what you want or you're not where you want to be.
  • What does working on yourself mean when you're new to personal development?
  • Questions to support you in finding clarity in what your heart desires.
  • Questions to ask yourself to cultivate the courage needed to bring those desires to physical reality.
  • My belief on the word 'try' (even though it goes against what I've been taught in personal development).
  • How I'll be honoring my voice (I hope you do the same in the ways you're specifically called to).
  • Two ways to get support when you're stuck in cycles that aren't serving you.

Links + resources:

  • Hang out with me on Instagram.
  • Receive my Ground with Gaia meditation set to the 432 Solfeggio Frequency as my gift. 
  • Ready to go deeper into your heart? Join Devotion, my open-hearted community that gifts you the golden key to unlocking the gateway to your soul.

Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!

This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.

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