Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

Amy Green Smith: Sharpen your communication skills // Ep. #22

April 10, 2023 Ashley Mondor Episode 22

Does the thought of communicating a new boundary make you shrink like a saucy little turtle? Do you find yourself people-pleasing as a coping mechanism to avoid hella uncomfortable conversations? Does confrontation make you sweat and your throat tighten? An even better question: how can you use communication to cultivate self-worth? I can't wait for you to meet Amy!

Meet Amy Green Smith
Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster of The Bold-Faced Truth, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. 

With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego. 

What you'll learn from our episode:

  • How doing makeup on her dead father taught Amy about finding her voice.
  • The mantra Amy uses to stay true to herself and step into her power.
  • How to vocalize new boundaries (especially when the world is quick to label behavior as toxic or narcissistic).
  • How to use specific language to communicate exactly what you need with finesse.
  • The first place to start when communicating a boundary and why it's deeply powerful from a neurological perspective.
  • The science behind our four fear responses, their modern iterations, and what to do about 'em.
  • What happens in your mind when you consciously want to do something new (like launch a business) but your subconscious isn't in agreement.
  • What Amy does when she feels anxiety or fear creeping in.
  • What you're communicating to your subconscious mind every time you silence yourself and how that impacts others areas of your life.
  • How to prepare for tough conversations and a potent question to ask yourself before you connect.

Connect with Amy:

Have a question?
Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you!

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This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.

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