Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Discovering your purpose // Ep. #14
As a child, I was obsessed with finding my purpose. I knew I wanted to live a meaningful life where I served humanity or the Earth in someway every day. Because I wasn't one of those kids who knew they wanted to be a doctor, vet, lawyer, etc., I decided to pursue my degree in communications because I was naturally good at it. Now, looking back, I can see threads of my purpose that were woven into my youth and how they were guiding me on this path.
How do you start the process of discovering or refining your purpose? Let's jam!
What you'll learn from this episode:
- What I believe to be true about your purpose.
- The little ways you can share more love in the world.
- How to keep the spark alive in your heart as you build your business on the side of your full-time job.
- My fears of shifting from the nonprofit sector to corporate America.
- The decisions I made when I landed my communications role.
- How being in my purpose landed me clients from my day-job, and how I coached people into becoming more empowered in their careers.
- If you're a coach, guide, healer: how to sharpen your skills daily even if you're not receiving money for them.
- A few of the lessons I have in Devotion that can support your discovery journey.
- Questions to ask yourself to begin uncovering your purpose.
- A question I'm always asking myself so I stay in alignment with my soul.
- The disempowering love language I see from my clients who are in business and how to shift.
*Note: We're not necessarily living in a world yet where leadership in corporate can hear about or appreciate your small business dreams. I was VERY lucky to have supportive bosses who trusted me to do my work while allowing me to follow my entrepreneurial spirit.
To Sally and Cecilia, I love you. Thank you. I am so grateful for the grace, space, and growth you've gifted me while I was under your leadership. You could have totally crushed my dreams to stardust, but instead, you sharpened my skills and made better in SO many ways. From my whole heart, thank you. :)
*Double Note: You have natural gifts and talents that you probably take for granted because they're too close to your heart. Find the courage to ask those who are close to you what they think your gifts are. I think you'll be intrigued!
Links + resources:
- Hang out with me on Instagram.
- Receive my Ground with Gaia meditation set to the 432 Solfeggio Frequency as my gift.
- Ready to go deeper into your heart? Join Devotion, my open-hearted community that gifts you the golden key to unlocking the gateway to your soul.
Have a question?
Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at Hello@ashleymondor.com. I can't wait to hear from you!
Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.