Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

Christine McAlister: Following the next level of your calling // Ep. #13

September 26, 2022 Ashley Mondor Episode 13

I'm SO effing excited to have you meet one of my vibrant best friends and mentors, Christine McAlister! Christine is passionate about helping impact-driven entrepreneurs attract their next clients by being value-driven podcast guests. 

She and her clients have generated over $1 million as podcast guests, and she’s has been recognized as the best in the world at podcast guesting by 7-figure founders like John Lee Dumas of the award-winning podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, Dana Wilde, and Andrew Kroeze. 

A media expert for two decades, she's helped broadcast the Olympic Games, produced an award-winning documentary for PBS, and has ​been featured in Inc., Business Insider, Bustle, The Huffington Post, and she's been on over 100 podcasts, in addition to hosting her top-rated show, No One’s Ever Asked Me That.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  • The journey Christine's walked to uncovering her natural gifts and what it took for her to pivot her business.
  • The gifts she's taken for granted. (Ask yourself what you hold closest to your heart!)
  • What Christine is no longer available for in her business and the heavy, scary AF decisions she's had to make to stay in alignment.
  • Becoming aware of the subconscious wounds she carries and how she's supporting  herself to heal them.
  • What the Harvard Effect / The Oxford Effect is.
  • What brought her to the brink of deciding on whether she was going to have to close her business or not.
  • Following the next level of your calling no matter the circumstances.
  • The question I forced Christine to ask my go-to healer and spiritual channel, Courtney Beck, and the clarity and power it gave her moving forward.
  • The old paradigm of what a leader / CEO looked like and how it kept Christine playing  small in her business.
  • Why podcast guesting sets Christine's heart on fire!

Connect with Christine:

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Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at I can't wait to hear from you!

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This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.

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