Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor

Lori Lee Houze: Tuning to your intuition // #33

• Ashley Mondor • Episode 33

Just wait until you meet my beautiful friend, Lori Lee! I'd share more here, but the magic is in her experiences and the insights she can share with you about tuning into more of your intuitive gifts! 💛

What you'll learn:

  • The shift that changed the trajectory of Lori's life from the beauty industry to now serving the world through her intuitive and coaching gifts.
  • The intuitive message Lori received about her future through a visualization practice.
  • How she stays centered when people are triggered by her beliefs.
  • The absolute magic that is Lori and Jeff's love story. 🥹
  • The story of Bobby's (Lori and Mellisa's father) transition back home to Source, and the moment his spirit let her know he left his body.
  • The jaw-dropping ways Bobby and their Mimi (grandmother) sends messages to Lori and Mellisa.
  • Lori's advice on confidently connecting with your loved ones in the spirit realm.
  • The beautiful information that was brought through the Akashic Records for her future.
  • Lori's experiences with meeting archangels and a galactic being.
  • The confronting message Lori shared with me about a potential timeline should I wish to walk that route.
  • Lori's advice on staying present during chaos.
  • How to shift from survival to safety so that you're tuned to the present and grounded in your intuitive gifts.

Connect with Lori:

Meet Lori Lee Houze
Lori is a certified Master MIND MAGIC® Practitioner, Mindset Coach,
Heart Healer, and Intuitive Reader. After embodying her highest-
self using the MIND MAGIC® framework, she now coaches women and
men as they expand their vision, master their mindset, heal the
wounds that are holding them back, and grow their businesses in
quantum leaps. MIND MAGIC® is an Identity Evolution Practice
that integrates science, spirituality, metacognition (thought work),
and nervous system regulation to literally evolve yourself into the
person you are destined to become.

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This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.

[00:00:00] Ashley Mondor: Oh my god, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited I know that I say this every episode but honestly like I just can't help it because every person I bring here is someone that I love and admire and respect and like This woman who I have with me today Her name is laurie lee house and I met her through one of my very best friends melissa who is her sister And I just feel like oh my god, how lucky did I get to have two?

[00:00:25] Incredible, magnificent, loving, brilliant lights in my life. So Lori, where in the world are you and what is it that brings you to life? What do you do and how do you support and love people through your work? 

[00:00:41] Lori Lee Houze: Hi, Ashley. Thank you for having me today. I'm so excited to be here with you. I love you so much.

[00:00:46] And I love sister for bringing us all together. So amazing. I am in Waco, Texas. And I do the most amazing work in the world. I am a certified neuro identity evolution practitioner and I'm a mindset coach, heart healer, intuitive reader. I help men and women. We want to heal themselves and grow and evolve into their highest self, expanding their vision and mastering their mindset and just healing all the wounds that have been holding them back their whole lives.

[00:01:27] And I get to do this every day with the absolute most amazing people on the planet. So I feel very lucky and blessed. 

[00:01:36] Ashley Mondor: Okay, that was amazing, and I just knew, like, your heart is so in this, and it has been for quite a while now, so I would love to hear what brought you to this space of serving people in this way, like, what was the catalyst, or what shifted for you that you were like, I'm gonna actually help people Through this work.

[00:01:57] Lori Lee Houze: It was me going through the work myself is what did it, I was actually soul searching at the time and I landed in Tracy's world and Tracy Lit's world and I went through her mind magic program and it completely changed my life. And let me back up just a few steps before then, because I met you and we had our little.

[00:02:26] Magical moments in the spot where I was working at the time and you shifted something inside of me and it completely changed the trajectory of my life in that one moment. So honestly, it started with you, which led me into knowing that there was more for me on this planet and helping people. Be able to shift something inside of them as well, which ultimate led me into Tracy's world, took my magic.

[00:03:02] It was amazing. Completely changed my life. I knew in that moment that I was meant to do this work and I got certified in her work and now I'm able to take her work and bring it into my mindset coaching business and I created a whole program around the neuro identity evolution. It's called Soul Ascension, and I get to guide beautiful women in a group program to go through the exact same thing.

[00:03:34] I also work with men clients one on one to help them as well. And that's really what, what sent me on this path. Where I am today. 

[00:03:47] Ashley Mondor: My gosh, I just love it. And thank you. I remember that moment. So Lori used to work at a spa and can you talk a little bit about your career? Cause I think it's really cool how you led yourself.

[00:03:59] Lori Lee Houze: Yes. So I was in the beauty industry for 12 years. I was a manicurist, microblade artist. I did eyelash extensions and I did it for 12 years and towards the end. And. Of my career. I knew that I needed to change and something inside of me was just like, Lori, you, you, it was pulling me, right. It was pulling me out of what I was doing, but I didn't know where it was pulling me to.

[00:04:27] So I retired from the beauty industry and started on my spiritual journey. And that's what led me down this beautiful path where I am now. So. Yeah. It's been a beautiful transition, 

[00:04:44] Ashley Mondor: but not easy and not without some pain, a 

[00:04:48] Lori Lee Houze: lot, no, not easy at all. And lots and lots and lots of pain. 

[00:04:52] Ashley Mondor: Can you share with them?

[00:04:54] You had gone to Tracy's powerhouse event, and I think you had been dropped into like a guided visualization or meditation, which helps you find clarity. Can you explain what happened? Because I just love this story. Okay. 

[00:05:08] Lori Lee Houze: Yes, so visualizations are amazing and I did not know how amazing until I was dropped into this visualization I had in my mind where I was going and what I was going to be doing and I thought I was going to be selling products in this networking business.

[00:05:28] And I did this visualization and what came out of it was absolutely mind blowing and I still can't believe it to this day and everything that has transpired. But I came out of that visualization with two things. One was coaching and the other was intuitive readings. And I was so confused because I was like, I've never been a coach did not have any intentions of coaching and then intuitive readings.

[00:05:58] I think I've had maybe two readings in my entire life. And coming from a religious background, it wasn't something that I just, it was not on my radar at all. And so, yeah, those two things came out of my, came out of that visualization. 

[00:06:18] Ashley Mondor: Like, I just want people to know and understand how Laurie grew up.

[00:06:23] Very religious and in the church and devout in that faith and to have Something like that come through for you completely rocks your world because it goes against a number of subconscious beliefs, especially your identity So, how did you actually allow yourself to? Blossom into this new version of you and following this spiritual awakening journey 

[00:06:48] Lori Lee Houze: I did so much work on myself.

[00:06:50] There was so much healing that needed to be done from old programming. From the time I was a child and growing up, there was, there was a lot to be healed. And I just honored my journey, my healing journey, and I with it. And I knew it was going to be difficult. But the more I healed myself, the more I loved myself, the more I trusted myself and my connection to God's source spirit, the more truth was coming through.

[00:07:32] And I just had this inner knowing that brought me so much peace, more peace than I've ever felt in my entire life. And, and I followed that, I listened to that and just like, you know, a caterpillar, you know, goes into the cocoon and, and it does its thing and then, and then becomes this beautiful butterfly, right?

[00:08:01] That's a painful process. I can only imagine that that caterpillar goes through and the transformation that happens in that cocoon before the butterfly emerges. And so it was a very painful transformation. It was a very painful time for me because it was a lot of. And becoming who I thought I was to become the actual woman person that God created me to be, that I was created to be on this earth.

[00:08:39] And I just believed in myself, trusted myself and loved myself through the process. 

[00:08:47] Ashley Mondor: I love that. I think it's so timely. I actually just learned about the butterfly or the caterpillar and how it knows what it knows and then it goes into this cocoon and it becomes basically this goo, right? But what we haven't really learned been taught is that there are cells within the butterfly or within the Caterpillar that know it's going to become a butterfly and what happens is when it fully dissolves into this like different substance that these cells start basically coming online and then they actually find each other and They organize and then they create this new being and I just wonder how many people Are so afraid of what they could become because they don't consciously know but their heart knows.

[00:09:33] So how have you Because I remember this actually it was such a a tricky thing to navigate because when you were still in the church, but then you started feeling like I'm going to I'm going to start taking some steps back and really honor me How have you walked that journey knowing that you do pull oracle cards and you do work with your intuition?

[00:09:53] And you are playing with the akashic records like that programming of things like it's the devil's work. It's not true It's sin blah blah blah. How have you navigated that 

[00:10:02] Lori Lee Houze: being so fully connected? To God's source and spirit, having that inner peace of knowing that you are so connected to the most beautiful love that there is.

[00:10:23] I know that

[00:10:29] I have to, because I'm on my own journey, I have to see things the way I see them. Right. And I just

[00:10:43] trusted because I knew internally that what I was doing was coming from a place of love and light. Whether I use cards, whether I just intuitively know and connect and channel,

[00:11:04] it doesn't, it doesn't matter what modality you use, right? And so I came to terms really quickly that just because someone else thinks that something isn't right or of God or of love, it doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that it's true, right? And also, I, there's just a lot of contradictions in religion and different religions.

[00:11:37] And so, I think that each person, it's up to us personally to go internally to find the truth and answer the questions that each of us has. Right. And so I just trusted in knowing that when I went in and I asked the questions when I was connected, because we're always connected, you get the answers that you're meant to have.

[00:12:08] And that gave me peace.

[00:12:12] Ashley Mondor: I think that's beautiful. So I love when you talk about the peace and walking your own journey and discovering it for yourself and, and your embodiment of your truth, right? What are the tools or the things that you do when there is chaos in the world happening around you and like you are, people are triggered by you and people judge you and there's stressful tension, you know, whatever is happening, like how do you come back to center and stay regulated?

[00:12:43] Lori Lee Houze: Well, I stay regulated. Number one, I have learned how to regulate my nervous system. And so I'm, I'm pretty much always regulated. There are times where something might happen and I have to really do some extra breathing center myself. I meditate daily. I stay connected. I stay, stay connected to the source.

[00:13:05] And that has really helped me. I know that I'm in control of me. Right. I'm in control of my thoughts, my beliefs, my feelings, my emotions, my actions. That's on me, how someone takes me, how someone receives me is on them. So if someone's triggered by me, that's on them. And I've just learned not to let that affect me.

[00:13:34] I know that everyone's on their own journey. I know that everyone is in a different state of consciousness, state of awareness. And I give myself love and grace, which has allowed me to give that to everyone else around me, you know, just give grace and just love people where they are.

[00:14:01] Ashley Mondor: Totally. I love the piece about everyone is at a different level of consciousness because if you can see that and honor that without judgment or whatever that is, that could be a negative or fear based leaning. Believe, then it's like, wow, look where you are and I can't wait for you to expand into more of you, right?

[00:14:25] And that takes someone like you, Lori, who leads the way, truly. So I also wanted to ask you a question. This is a different topic, but I like, I so wanted to ask you this because I love it. Okay. So when I first met Lori, to give you some context again, she lives on this gorgeous property with their family.

[00:14:47] It's basically like this little community commune compound of magic and joy and love and her and her families, they all live by each other. And when I first met Lori, I also met her husband, Jeff. And I remember meeting Jeff and thinking to myself when I was single at the time, I'm going to manifest a cowboy like him because he was so generous and kind and chivalrous and thoughtful.

[00:15:13] And I watched the way that Lori and Jeff spoke to each other and how they held each other and how they communicated. And I just thought, wow, I haven't, I haven't seen something so Connected like this and so fun and so light and so deep. So I wanted you to share the story of how you met Jeff or reconnected because I love it so much.

[00:15:37] Lori Lee Houze: So great. So Jeff and I have known each other our entire lives since we were pretty much babies, our parents worked together and his sister would babysit Melissa and I. And so we kind of grew up together. When we were little, we kind of had a crush on each other, you know, like that little childhood crush.

[00:15:56] He wrote me a little note that said, will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no. And of course I, you know, circled yes. And my sister gave him the little note back and then he read it and then ran underneath a conference table and never talked to me again after that. Right. So that happened. And then Lindsay, his, his sister actually married us.

[00:16:19] When we were like seven or eight, we were young and in front of their fireplace, she did a whole like little wedding and it was, it was the cutest thing. So he was actually my first love and we lost touch after that. We lost touch. We would see each other out and about like every now and then, or like a wedding or something that didn't really talk.

[00:16:44] And it wasn't until years later when we were. 39 that we reconnected through social media and started dating and then got married. And it's just been literally the absolute most amazing relationship ever. I have always dreamed of a love like this, but you kind of question whether it really exists or not, you know, and we're just each other's best friends.

[00:17:23] And we do everything together and I feel so blessed to have him as my husband. So it's been pretty amazing, pretty wild. 

[00:17:34] Ashley Mondor: It makes me so happy, especially because I know some of the trauma that you've walked through with previous relationships. So how knowing that. How did you open your heart again?

[00:17:46] Because you've went through some cataclysmic things. 

[00:17:51] Lori Lee Houze: You know, I mean, my entire life, I've always been a very forgiving person. I'm just, I've, I forgive and forget very easily when things happen. And so even the worst possible things that have ever happened to me, I've always seen the good that has come out of it.

[00:18:07] Like in the moment, yes, it's, it's tragic. And in the moment you're devastated. And luckily now I'm able to move through that a lot quicker and easier from all the work that I've done. But I've always known that everything does happen for my highest good. Right. So it's never been, she's never been one of those things that I've, I've dwelled on.

[00:18:30] Like, I've always known that. Something better was coming, you know, I just didn't know it would be this good. 

[00:18:40] Ashley Mondor: Oh, how good can it get, right? 

[00:18:41] Lori Lee Houze: Right? Yeah. 

[00:18:44] Ashley Mondor: Oh, I, I really respect that. I think there's this narrative too, where it's like, people are so not quick to forgive and they want to hold on to these things because they're afraid of it happening again.

[00:18:58] And so they close their heart off and they repel, you know, potential incredible gifts because they're afraid. And in protective mode. So I love that you led yourself through that and that also you guys had been married at seven or eight, you know, and then it just came back around and I think didn't you send him a message or something on social because you had, was it car issues or something?

[00:19:21] Oh 

[00:19:22] Lori Lee Houze: goodness. Yes. So while he had reached out, he had liked one of my photos and commented and they can do is like, Who's this Jeff house guy? And I'm like, Oh, he's an old friend, nothing, you know? And, and then I just started thinking, I'm like, Hmm, I wonder what he's really up to. And so my way in, instead of just coming right out and saying, Hey, what's up with you?

[00:19:44] It's like, Hey, I see that you work at a car dealership. I'm having some, some issues with my car. Do you think you could help me? And so he was like, call me now. Like, I, after I'd sent that message and I was like, Oh my God, like he wants me to call him right now. Okay. So we hopped on the phone and it was just like all times, you know, like no time had passed.

[00:20:04] And it was just so, it's so funny. So beautiful. So amazing. Like all of, all of the things. 

[00:20:14] Ashley Mondor: Oh, it makes me so happy. I remember that story and was like, I just love how spirit works because you were following your curiosity. And that tiny little hint of attraction, and then you acted on it, but what if you hadn't had acted on it, right?

[00:20:29] It could have pushed the can down, or Source would have brought you together at the dance floor or something, you know? Just like, how incredible, and to have faith and trust that everything that is meant for you will find you in perfect timing. Whether you're in your 20s, or your 30s, or your 70s, it's so great.

[00:20:47] Lori Lee Houze: It is great. 

[00:20:48] Ashley Mondor: Yeah! I also wanted to ask you about your dad. and how he comes through. So if you would be willing to share about him and how he connects with you now. 

[00:21:03] Lori Lee Houze: Yes. So my dad was in a car, a motorcycle accident back in 2002. And he suffered a traumatic brain injury. He lived for a couple of years and Kind of as a vegetable.

[00:21:23] And then he passed away before he passed away. We were all able to be there with him day and night. And the day he passed away, I had left him to go home and I was driving, had McKinsey in the backseat and. As I was driving, I had this, this feeling come over me where I felt like something took my breath away.

[00:21:48] You know, where you feel like your, your breath's being taken away and you, like you take in a deep breath. And I did that. And instinctively, intuitively, I knew it was my dad. And I thought to myself, I'm just going to call and check and make sure everything's okay. So I call my mom, I'm driving. She doesn't answer.

[00:22:10] I call several times in a row, doesn't answer then his brother who was there with him with both of them called me back and said, Lori, I'm sorry to tell you, your dad just passed away and I just start crying. He's like, pull over. So I pull over on the side of the road. And I said, I said, Jake, what, what time did he pass away?

[00:22:32] Like, how long has it been? And it was literally the exact moment that I felt. That happened in my body. It was like his soul moved through me. And I knew that when it happened. So that happened and I've just since just been very connected to him. I like my TV will turn on for no reason in the middle of the night blank blaring.

[00:22:56] One time I was doing a pedicure at the spa and my phone rings and it says Lori calling. It was like, I was calling myself is what it was, what it looked like on my phone. And I was like, that's odd, but I didn't answer it. So I sent my phone back down and the lady in front of me, I was like, I was like, that's weird.

[00:23:18] That's never happened before. And in my head, I thought to myself, dad, if that was you, cause I kind of knew it was, if that was you do it again, less than five minutes later, it happened again. I picked up my phone. I answered it. I said, hello. And it was like blank space. And then click and then the call ended.

[00:23:41] So very crazy, right? Yeah. Ladybugs and feathers are my sign for my dad. So Melissa and I see ladybugs and feathers in the most random places. Like I would have dead ladybugs. On my desk in the house in random places on my desk. And then Melissa had a feather in her refrigerator. She opened the door to her refrigerator and there was a legit feather laying in the refrigerator.

[00:24:11] So, I mean, just, you know, lots of, lots of, and I know there's been more, but, and I've had dreams about him, lots of dreams and. So, yeah, I just, I'm very, very much connected to him. 

[00:24:25] Ashley Mondor: I just can't imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by the TV being on and you're like, this is not the time, dad.

[00:24:33] Like, can we make it at noon? Excuse me. Yes. 

[00:24:38] Lori Lee Houze: Yes. I mean, I, and for it to be like super loud at a volume that I would have never had my TV on. So yeah. He's playful. He's very playful. He always has been. He's very funny. 

[00:24:54] Ashley Mondor: Oh, it just makes me so happy. Yay. I'm so glad you talked about that because I was like, do not forget that we need to touch on this because it shows how strong spirit can come through and how they're always right there and that they can actually take physical objects or work with technology in a way where you actually experience the connection.

[00:25:13] So you're always connected. It's just a different form of communication, which I think is so stunning, right? Yeah. 

[00:25:20] Lori Lee Houze: Yes, and that their personality still comes through. 

[00:25:23] Ashley Mondor: Yes. And speaking of personality, I'd love for you to talk about your Mimi and how you connect with her and how she's been supporting you.

[00:25:33] Lori Lee Houze: Oh, I love my Mimi so much. She was like my little best friend when she was here. I'm very connected to her as well. So when She passed away. I saw my sister and I saw a double rainbow the day that we buried her. There was an actual double rainbow in the sky. And so my sign for her is the rainbow and also butterflies.

[00:26:01] And I see those all the time. I have dreams of her all the time. She is actually, she's very physical with me. She has touched me several times. Like she will wake up to someone tapping me either on the shoulder, in the middle of my chest. So, yeah, and I know that I know it's her when it happens. Also I get ringing in my left ear, which is her as well.

[00:26:27] And I'm just super, you know, connected to her and know that she is watching over me and that she's, you know, just guiding me and so proud of me. Like I just. I feel her all the time, all the time. 

[00:26:44] Ashley Mondor: What would you tell someone who is curious about connecting with their family or their loved ones and opening up more to spirit?

[00:26:52] Would you have any advice? 

[00:26:55] Lori Lee Houze: Yes, just be open. Whatever you ask for, you will more than likely receive. And if you are open and you just put it out there, you talk to them, right? You can communicate with them anytime. They're always there. They're always listening. They're always with you. So you're always connected to the spirit.

[00:27:21] So I would just say, be open to it. I asked for it. I opened myself to it. I would say meditate. Meditation really opens your heart chakra and allows you to be able to receive more to, to expand yourself, to, to receive more and just being open, they will let you know they're there. 

[00:27:47] Ashley Mondor: Perfect. And the openness of.

[00:27:51] asking but not insisting on things having to look or be a certain way because they may do something even more grand that you can't comprehend or something so sweet and simple and that you know is just for you. And how have you allowed yourself to actually receive that without doubting or judging it?

[00:28:12] Lori Lee Houze: I don't expect anything. So having no expectation of how, when, Or what is coming through for you and just being open and staying connected to God and source and spirit will allow them to come through the way that they're meant to. And as long as you're connected and, and your vibration is high and you, you keep your energy body clean and you're doing all the things to help yourself connect, you will, and you'll know when it happens.

[00:28:50] You'll just have an inner knowing like you'll just like, I know when I get touched, it's my grandmother. I know it's not my dad. I know it's her touching me like physically when something happens and I know it's my dad. It's just an inner knowing of he's the immediate one that comes to mind that I know that was you like, I love you, you know, and, and having signs for yourself, having signs for your loved ones.

[00:29:17] So that because focus and attention right where you put your focus and attention is what you're going to see and so if you assign a symbol to a loved one, they're, they're going to show you those signs. I mean, that's just how spirit works. It's beautiful. 

[00:29:40] Ashley Mondor: Cause they're like, Hey, we're actually not like dead or we're infinite and we're going to show you in infinite ways how we're always around you.

[00:29:49] Lori Lee Houze: Right. Correct. 

[00:29:50] Ashley Mondor: Yeah. I also wanted to ask you, cause I know we've talked about this, but you have followed your heart to coaching modalities, nervous system regulation modalities, and then more into the intuitive spaces and Oracle cards and channeling and the Akashic records. And I wanted you to talk about some of the experiences that you've had in the Akashic records because they're just, it's beautiful and vivid and like, please just share.

[00:30:19] Lori Lee Houze: So the Akashic records are amazing and that's something that's new to me that you introduced me to. And I just knew that that was something that was drawing me closer. And so I'm, I'm actually in the process of getting certified in the Akashic records. And so I've been playing with partners and doing readings.

[00:30:43] And literally just two days ago, I was in the Akashic Records and I've kind of been putting out to the universe that I want to write a book that I might, might, big might, might want to speak on a topic. TEDx stage one day and do a TED talk. So I've kind of put that out into the universe and then I've just kind of left it there.

[00:31:06] So I'm in the Akashic records and, you know, asking questions and, you know, just whatever comes through. And then all of a sudden, I didn't even have a question about my book, but a, my title, or let's say a title came through for my book. And I was like, well, isn't that interesting. Okay. And so, yeah, I've just, Lots of different things, you know, have been coming through and yes, the messages are very clear.

[00:31:37] They are very vivid, even, you know, just when you think you, you, you know, couldn't be any more connected to source. And to spirit and to the masters, teachers, and loved ones, when you go into the Akashic records and you're there and you're asking questions and, and it's just the, the channeling it's, it's so clear and amazing.

[00:32:02] And I didn't know that we all had that ability. We all had the ability to open up our own records and to connect and go in and, and to ask questions and. The more I learn, just the more in awe I am of how magical and powerful we are as human beings. 

[00:32:24] Ashley Mondor: Yes! Yes! And I was gonna say, one of the first times, didn't you meet an archangel or someone?

[00:32:34] Lori Lee Houze: Oh goodness, those were in my dreams. So my dreams! My dreams are super vivid. So last year I had a dream about Archangel Gabriel and in my dream, he was standing along this chain link fence. And I'm going to say he for Explaining purposes, but this was not a he or she, this was a 10 foot tall being and then had three or four members of my family standing on either side of him.

[00:33:07] And so I walked up to him and I looked up because of course he's like 10 feet tall. And I said, hi. What is your name? And he looked down at me and he said, my name is Gabriel. And he held out his hand for me to shake it. So I shook his hand and I said, it's nice to meet you, Gabriel. So I came out of that dream, like just in, in all, like, I was like, did I really just meet Archangel Gabriel?

[00:33:35] Not only did I meet him, see him, physically touched him, He talked to me and told me his name. I had to Google Archangel Gabriel because I've never, I've never looked into the Archangels before. And the Archangel Gabriel I saw, saw in my dream was this beautiful being and. Long, curly, red hair, flowy, red hair.

[00:34:00] And when I looked up the picture, it was exactly, I mean, other people must have met him and seen him in their dreams because the paintings of Archangel Gabriel were spot on. So that was amazing. I've met other angels in my dreams. I didn't know there were two other angels I met who I didn't, I don't know their names, but then I met an alien earlier this year.

[00:34:27] Which is so cool. Right before I woke up, I met this alien and he told me, so he did not physically talk. There was no audible sound, but telepathically we were communicating and he told me his name telepathically and his name was Arturo. So I woke up, I'm really good about waking up and writing down my dreams, like as soon as I wake up, because they're super, super vivid.

[00:34:55] And I wrote down Arturo, and I've talked to several different people, and he may be an Arcturian alien. I'm really not sure, but that happened. So yeah, I mean, very vivid, very lucid dreams. 

[00:35:15] Ashley Mondor: Yeah, every time I get a message from you, I'm like, what am I going to learn about through Laurie today? Because she always has these huge, epic, very, very vivid things happen to her.

[00:35:26] I remember actually, there was a day where I was sitting on the couch and I was contemplating, or actually, I'm going to back it up. I went to a brewery and I'm not drinking this year, but we have other types of beverages. So I was just imbibing and I watched my fiance play with my best friend's baby. And all of a sudden I had a download and it hit me.

[00:35:46] I was like, Oh, one of Nikolai's. Purposes is to be a father and I just lost it because I'm processing about motherhood and if I want that and what that would mean and then collective consciousness and having spirits come through and what that can do with your body and upgrade energetically and all this stuff and Processing it and then like two days later Lori had messaged me and she was like is it okay to share something that came through in my meditation?

[00:36:10] I know it's a sensitive topic, but if you're open to it, I would love to share and I was like Oh man, and in my head I was like, she's gonna bring up something about a baby. So she messaged me and she was like, I saw you in my meditation. I had a flash of you and then I saw a fetus. And I slammed my phone down and panicked and immediately made an appointment to get a new IUD.

[00:36:36] Um, but I was just like, what, what are the odds of that? Because Lori and I haven't really talked about what I want to do with motherhood or anything like that, but it just really showcases not only how open Lori is, but also how Spirit will work through other people to deliver messages, and that's why it's important to be open.

[00:36:55] I

[00:37:01] Lori Lee Houze: was blown away too. And that was one of the instances where I received a download and a message. And you're sometimes not quite sure. Should you share this information? Should you not? And I didn't share it right away. But that was at the same time that I was going through. Your workshop. Remember. Yes. With Christine.

[00:37:28] And. And we had, she had brought up, you know, like when you receive messages, how do you deliver? Should you, should you not, you know, making. Sure, your ego is not getting in the way and all of the things and I just knew I knew in my heart I needed to just give you that message But when it's a sensitive subject, you know, like a baby you just you don't know But I'm really glad that I was open Also knowing how open you are to receiving messages as well.

[00:38:03] So that helped you. So 

[00:38:05] Ashley Mondor: yeah, it was 

[00:38:06] Lori Lee Houze: beautiful. 

[00:38:06] Ashley Mondor: Oh, just so terrifying and amazing. But I was like, of course it would come through Lori, of course. And I was so happy because we have worked together and I know your heart and I know that you wouldn't just ever share something to share it, that there's a very specific reason why you're feeling called.

[00:38:23] And so I love that you honored that for me. And I'm just so. I know I've told you this before, but I am in awe of the amount of time you have collapsed in order to become more of your true self. Because I've seen the, the religious version of you, and the version, I don't like saying woke, but where your level of consciousness was, to the journey you've taken yourself on to just expand in this extremely bright, Vibrant light and how joyful you are and how happy you are and you're so present and you're so Just like you have this lean back energy That's in full faith and trust of the universe and I would love for you to speak about how you how do you stay present?

[00:39:09] How do you stay in full faith and surrender when your external reality isn't mirroring what you desire? 

[00:39:18] Lori Lee Houze: Because I've learned how to embody my highest self, my highest self that's in the heavens with God's source and spirit. I've learned how to embody that here. And that's why this work is so important and why I'm doing this work in the world.

[00:39:43] I want every single person to have this peace, to have this love, to have this trust and this ease. This is what it's about, right? When you can learn to embody those highest level emotions and live in them every single day, you will receive the evidence you need to know that everything is happening for your highest good, right?

[00:40:18] The evidence doesn't come first and then you feel the feelings. It's feeling those feelings. Now it is living in trust, living in ease, Living in peace and love and joy and gratitude. It's living in all of that now, here in the present, that will bring about the evidence that you are safe, that you are held, that you are supported, that everything is always happening from you and for your highest good.

[00:40:57] Always. That's why this work is so important, Ashley, the work you're doing, the work I'm doing, the work that we're, we're all doing in the world to bring people back to themselves, to know themselves authentically, fully, to be able to live in their full authentic truth and be fully expressed in who they are.

[00:41:24] That's what brings peace. That's what brings love and joy and, and all of those amazing things into your life. And you can't do that if you're not living in your truth. I wasn't living in my truth for a long time, right? Once I healed those pieces and parts of myself and I trusted and I loved myself so much.

[00:41:50] This person right here, all of me, right? I love her so much.

[00:42:04] This is the change. This is what every person needs to be able to live in those feelings day in and day out and being present. And let me just say the word present is my word for this year. And the, the amount of times that presence has come up just this year alone is so beautiful to me. I don't know why I chose the word present out of all the words that I could have chosen, right?

[00:42:40] Abundance, prosperity, joy, peace, like out of all of the states of being that I could have picked for my word of the year, I picked present and every single thing I've done this year has had to do with the present moment. And if you're not living in the present moment, if you're not living in peace and joy and love and abundance and gratitude, then you're living in the past or you're living in the future.

[00:43:14] First of all, the past is gone. The future may or may not be here. All we have is now, the here and now. And all of those elevated emotions, the only place they live is in the present.

[00:43:35] Ashley Mondor: That, that is so perfect. And I think, I think people may wonder, well, how did you, like, what's a simple thing that you do to find your presence? Because if you have trained your brain to follow its, its condition patterns and its unconsciousness, how, how do you bring yourself back to now? 

[00:43:58] Lori Lee Houze: Be where your feet are, right?

[00:44:01] Where are your feet right now? Be there now. Don't worry, stress, all of that's in the future. Don't live depressed. sad about the past. Be where your feet are. Focus on the present moment. What do you need to do right now? What do you want to do? What do you get to do right now? Everything is a choice.

[00:44:34] Everything. You get to choose

[00:44:40] everything. 

[00:44:44] Ashley Mondor: Right. And do you want to choose these lower states of being? Do you want to choose higher elevated emotions? And Can you allow yourself to be so present without any judgment or trying to shape it in any way? I love that. I also, I heard this metaphor that while you were talking, I was like, oh yes, perfect.

[00:45:07] Where time doesn't exist, Really in the universal consciousness and stuff and quantum realm, like time doesn't exist, but in the 3D reality it does, but what time actually is is a map for your soul to go to and to experience certain things, whether it is in the past, if you believe in reincarnation, even though really it's your spirit, you know, what's the word, incarnating into specific points in time in order to have these experiences for growth or whatever.

[00:45:36] But when you know that, it's like, wait. I chose to be here, now, specifically as me, with certain gifts, with a light, and the world, during a very dark, tumultuous, hard, chaotic time, but I came to be here with this level of consciousness? That's so special. You know, and I think it's so cool because, again, watching you embody more of your light and the way that you're expressing and the way that it took, like, it took you a journey to even be on camera and to go live and to share your wisdom and to be seen for it and to no longer pitch anyone else's products but to allow yourself to be the one that people work with.

[00:46:20] You know, it's so incredible to know your story and to have you be here now in your own business, that you help people remember who they are, you know, it's just so cool. And I'm so proud of you and I'm so in awe of you and I just love that we get to walk together helping people remember how bright they are, but you had to go first.

[00:46:42] You had to lead yourself there. So, for people who are looking at this version of you and hearing this version of you, it's like, wow, must be nice, Laura, you have done years of work and stuff. What would you tell them? What are the first steps to starting a journey of becoming more of who they actually are?

[00:47:01] Lori Lee Houze: Right. Becoming aware, becoming aware of where you are now, where you've been and where do you want to go? Right. And also making it safe in your body, you know, regulate your nervous system because you cannot think clearly. And your prefrontal cortex is not online, right? If you are not fully regulated in your nervous system, if you are in a survival body, you are not able to create.

[00:47:34] Right. Anything. So go from a survival body being in survival mode, to being in a safety body where you're breathing deeply and you're centering yourself, and you're grounding yourself, and you're making it safe. Then your preferential cortex comes online. Then you're able to think clearly. You're able to see outside the box.

[00:48:03] You're able to go high and see solutions and perspectives that you otherwise. Wouldn't be able to see, okay, have a vision for yourself of what you want and where you want to be. And if you need help with any of that, find someone like me and Ashley who can love you and hold space for you and support you and guide you along this beautiful journey called life.

[00:48:44] Ashley Mondor: That's so tangible. I love that. And I also think too, what Lori's talking about is just. When you work with someone who can see you in your highest light. They can help you bridge that and ultimately what it is is it's just more of an expression of love for yourself and acceptance. And what's cool about working with Laurie is that she has all of these tools, right?

[00:49:10] Not only does she weave in the spiritual, but she weaves in, you know, the subconscious and the practical, and she has tools and resources to help you regulate your nervous system, to help you tap into more of you, to help you become more conscious and aware. And whatever that looks like for you. And it's also wonderful knowing how Lori's intuition actually presents itself because she is clairvoyant and she is clairaudient and she has clear knowing, and she is feeling spirit in this way.

[00:49:38] So I think what an incredible guide for you, if you feel called to Lori's, you know, resonance that she's emitting. So how actually can people work with you? 

[00:49:50] Lori Lee Houze: So I have a group program called Soul Ascension, and you can check out my website. It has all of the information on my website. It's, and that's H-O-U-Z-E of

[00:50:09] I have my intuitive readings on there as well. If you would like an intuitive reading, I do one-on-one coaching, so my group programs are for women. I also do one on one coaching for men and one on one coaching for women as well. And all of that information is on my website. You can look me up on Facebook, Lori Lee House.

[00:50:31] I'm on Instagram, LinkedIn, and I guess you'll share my email down below if you want, but those are some ways that you can get in touch me and some ways that you can work with me. 

[00:50:43] Ashley Mondor: Oh, so fun. I've had a few readings with Lori and I'm just like, Oh, I love it. So I like just I love basking in your genius and the way that you share information.

[00:50:55] It's just, Oh, it's so good. So my last question for you, my love. If you feel grounded and present, which I already know you do, because this is the work that you do. I'd love to know what is alive in your heart today.

[00:51:13] Lori Lee Houze: Just being able to love people where they are and to show them how they can love themselves truly unconditionally, because love kills all. And that's what we're here to do is bring more love into our communities, into our homes. And to our friends and family. But it starts with you love yourself fully and conditionally.

[00:51:48] Ashley Mondor: Thank you. That was so beautiful. And thank you for sharing your wisdom and your magic with everyone today. I love you. I love you. I love you. Every time I get to be with you, I feel like the world is brighter when we're together. And so I'm so happy that I got to bring your voice and your magic to the world.

[00:52:06] So thank you for letting me be part of your story and for letting me love you and Allowing me to receive such a deep level of love from you. You're just, you are magic on legs, woman. 

[00:52:19] Lori Lee Houze: I love you so much. And I'm so grateful that I get to do this work with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Ashley. 

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